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Ways Youth Groups & Youth Leaders Can Be Involved in Ending Human Trafficking

movie, film ,audience, trafficking

Show a Film

There are many age appropriate films to show to your youth group. We have feature films like Caged No More, Priceless and others available. We,also, have curriculum like the Chosen documentary which has two testimonies from ordinary girls who were chosen by traffickers. We can screen the film for your students, share local stories and empower your students to not only protect themselves but others as well.

seking justice, devotionals

Order Seeking Justice Devotionals

This book will give your students a biblical foundation for making a lasting, life-changing difference in this world. They’ll discover how God loves justice, and they’ll discover how you can honor God through involvement in social justice issues. They’ll also encounter stories from the life of author Brian Cress—director of student mobilization for International Justice Mission—and from the lives of other teenagers and people who’ve been rescued by IJM. We have a copy for interested youth leaders to check out before you buy.

24 hours, 24 , hours, youth

Take Part In The National 24 Hour Justice Experience

In a mere 24 hours, you can transform the hearts of your students and make a global impact. By hosting the 24-Hour Justice Experience (24JE), you can make modern-day slavery real through teaching and hands-on activities.

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